The hidden Greece, top unknown tourist attractions

It’s rather hard to talk about secrets when it comes to the cradle of European civilisation. The Hellenic space is a vastly explored cultural space, not to mention an ultra popular tourist destination. But we do believe there are wonders to explore, even in the most famous and known places, so today we give you the hidden Greece, top unknown tourist attractions.
Did you ever wonder where the Apocalypse was written? It seems that St. John wrote it in Patmos Island, a volcanic island with clear, lace sand which was named “The Holy Island” in the year 1981 by the Parliament of Greece. If you are still thinking about… well, apocalyptic gory scenes and a burning chaotic world, banish that thought from your mind. Patmos is a beautiful place, counted among the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, as well as an excellent place to sunbathe and relax.
Travel to Mani in the Peloponnese to visit the “Inner Villages”. One of them is Vathia, perched on top of a 200 meters high hill. It is a stone-built village made up of 144 constructions divided in four parts – or neighborhoods. It is a beautiful relic of the medieval age.
The Diros caves nearby harbor one of the earliest human settlements. And in Cape Tainaron is the place you can get in touch with your spirituality, right by the mouth of the Cave of Hades (the ancient Greek god of death).
Kithira is one of the less known, but just as beautiful Ionian islands. It is a wonderful experience, just to walk along the luxuriant, green soil, wander about the island and sunbathe without any interference from noisy tourists…
But on the other hand, if the vitality, the noise and fun is just what you are in for, we suggest a trip to Crete – where you can also get a car from Heraklion car hire.