Lagos trip

A Lagos trip will definitely be a very touristy thing to do, considering that the entire town is extremely tourist centric. Lagos, pronounced ‘lah-goosh’, is a very attractive and charming town, set on the bank of the Rio Bensafrim.
The town features a rather well-preserved 14th century protective wall around the very pretty and cobbled streets of the old town of part. The town is sprinkled with tiny plazas and picturesque churches which all add to the allure of the town, however the majority of visitors will tend to be most interested in what can be found outside the city walls.
Of course we’re talking about the great and long beaches, as well as the scenery offered by the secluded coastal coves. And considering that we are talking about a tourist resort here mostly, the nightlife is amongst the best that you can find in the Algarve, featuring a varied mix of lunges, bars and restaurants who cater to the whole range of travelers, from backpackers to young couples who are not so much on a budget.
The town beaches can be found to the south of Lagos, the main ones being: Batata, Pinhao, Dona Ana and Camilo, but there are others as well, smaller and more secluded ones, which you can seek out for their calm waters and amazing grottoes, coves and sandstone towers. You can reach most of the local ones by foot, however getting the more secluded ones might require you employing some Lagos car hire services.
Now stepping away from the beaches, there’s the Castelo dos Governadores, which was built by the Moors during their stay in the region. After the Algarve was re-conquered in the 13th century the military government was established here.
The Igreja de Santo Antonio, while not as old as the aforementioned Castelo is filled with 18th and 19th century gilded, carved wood, and is quite a wonderful Baroque extravaganza.
These and many more, are easily reachable with the help of Lagos car rental services.