Sardinia, a land of many wonders

Sardinia, a land of many wonders

It’s time we returned to sunny, happy Italy and we suggest an island vacation in Sardinia, a land of many wonders.

After Sicily and right before lovely Cyprus, Sardinia is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. It is an autonomous region in Italy and the languages spoken here differ slightly from mainland, standard Italian.

Italian island of Sardinia was the setting for several movies, among which the 1977 Bond film “The Spy who Loved Me”; and this is not for no reason, since the island enjoys around 135 days of sun each year.

Its 1850 km long coastline is actually a quarter of the whole coastline of Italy. And a welcoming coastline it is, bordered by both the Mediterranean and the Tyrrhenian Sea, since around 10 million visitors choose it as their destination every year.

A quarter of the island is considered protected natural reserve.

One funny symbol of the island is the donkey. Tiny adjacent island of Asinara just off Sardinia’s coast hosts some 250 small albino mules… and just one human inhabitant.

And another funny fact: have you ever wondered where the word “sardonic” comes from? Yes, you’ve guessed it: from Sardinia, namely from a toxic plant that grows here and causes its victims to laugh convulsively… not a happy grin indeed, the sardonic one!

Yet apart from this unpleasant herb, nothing else should cause any sort  of sardonic response, because the island is all sun, sea and beauty, with its quiet life and lively colors. Ancient monuments from the time of glorious Rome tower over the peaceful island and the wildlife and natural beauty are outstanding.

Cagliari, the capital city of Sardinia, has seen thousands of years of history unravel, since the Neolithic age. It is the main tourist, industrial and economic center on the island, home to a 17th-century university and to the most diverse culture and architecture. With Cagliari airport car hire, you can benefit from a car during your holiday.

Meredith Smith

Meredith Smith