Oslo trip
Possibly one of the continent’s most laid back capitals – even though one may not expect it considering the latitude – Oslo is hemmed by a fjord and kilometers upon kilometers of woodland. The place has an easy-going atmosphere which features an eclectic mix of old, new and ’60s architecture, which makes it very difficult not to like. Add to this top notch museums, a vibrant nightlife and lots of opportunities for outdoor activities, and Olso becomes a much warmer place.
The culture vulture will have a very hard time in Oslo, not because of the lack of choice, but the reverse of that, they’ll find it hard to choose between the many and great museums that Norway’s capital has to offer. They’re also extremely varied in subject, in one place you could see the image of The Scream whilst in another you can stand in the shoes of an Olympic ski-jumper, just to name a couple.
Oslo is quite definitely the most cosmopolitan part of Norway, the cafe and bar culture is gaining ground, with great restaurants as background, and nightlife options ranging from the more higher brow opera to jazz and indie rock venues.
Despite all of this, you’ll find it extremely easy to escape the city life, as many residents of the capital will tell you. They are very avid outdoorsmen, whether into hiking, skiing or sailing, thanks its location, the opportunities to go in the wild are many.
One interesting tid-bit about Oslo is that it is actually of Europe’s largest capitals, as far as surface area goes, but it’s one of the smallest when it comes to population numbers. This means that its the only European capital which can boast the presence of cycling, hiking, ice-skating, kayaking, sailing as well as skiing withing its city limits, quite the unique place to live in.