Where to travel in the Year of the Wooden Sheep
As of February 19th, according to Chinese tradition, we have entered the Year of the Year of the Wooden Sheep or the Year of the Green Wooden Goat. In an explosion of red and fireworks, the Chinese – and the world – welcomed the change with optimism.
Apparently this means that, under the protection of the goat (which will last until the 7th of February 2016), good things will happen, particularly to active people, who might get the chance to do exciting things and travel to amazing new places.
This being said, let’s look into where to travel in the Year of the Wooden Sheep. If we can be as extravagant and inventive as we want to be, let’s choose Asia!
First stop: Hong Kong. I know what you are thinking: so is Hong Kong is China after all or… not? The truth is somewhere in the middle: it is a special administrative region of the PRC. Having been influenced by Great Britain, Hong Kong remains a cosmopolitan spot of commerce, culture and tourism.
In Hong Kong, you can visit the Avenue of Stars with its breathtaking view over the harbor, the Ocean Park, where you can spend an awesome family day, Hong Kong Disneyland or the Taoist Sik Sik Yuen Wong Tai Sin Temple.
The second stop: the Great Wall of China. This symbol of China and the world is (arguably) the only monument that can be seen from the Moon. It was built in the 3rd century BC and was meant to protect the borders of China.
These are only two of the many Asian destinations that you could choose to visit in the Year of the Wooden Sheep. Wherever you travel, don’t forget transport: you can rent a car virtually anywhere on the world and enjoy driving wherever you are.