Tips When Travelling To Germany

Germany is a country which has steadily become more attractive as a tourist destination. With very friendly populous, comfortable laws, a high standard of living, fair prices and bundles of entertainment and events to witness, Germany is a sight to see for many. Family oriented and very easy to acclimatise to, there is a lot to see in one of Europe’s shining lights. However, there are things to consider when you travel to Germany, and we recommend you consider the following;
Sights to See
With such a huge population, and a variety of outstanding cities to see all across the country, Germany is difficult to take in all at once. With countless outstanding museums, for those of you are interested in the history of Germany, to countless bars, shops and entertainment venues ranging from theme parks to football stadia, Germany is a welcome-all type of country.
Germany is massive, and as such it is important to have everything planned before you arrive. Make sure that all of your transport, accommodation, itinerary and everything else is all prepared pre-flight. The support staff at the majority of German service providers is extremely professional and helpful, so you should have no problems getting everything in order.
Germany is one of the biggest lovers of football in the world. With domestic divisions that see countless stadia filled with thousands every week, it’s important to try and balance your holiday around that if you are not going for the sport. The constant games can make travel a little difficult on match-day, so try and accommodate yourself around the Bundesliga season. You can see the entire match day calendar on the official website.
Ensure that the airport you are travelling to is within the city. Some cheap flights take you to airports outside of the city, meaning that you will need to arrange additional travel from the airport, so be prepared for that eventuality and research your final landing destination.
Cheap Holidays
Germany is known for its well-priced tourism and general living costs. With cheap beer on tap, easy access to many other enjoyable past-times, and an array of cheap to visit entertainment venues, there is much fun to be had in Germany. From the smaller villages right up to the capital, there is much to see of Germany. The best part is thanks to cheap travel and accommodation, you can see a lot of Germany in the same time you would see less of a smaller country. Efficient design of the country and fantastic public transport allows for streamlined access to anywhere you wish to go in Germany.
Overall, navigating Germany, especially in a group, is extremely easy. You just need to ensure your destinations and events are all pre-organised, as there is nothing more frightening than a situation in a foreign country that you cannot resolve easily!
GuteReise! is a “destination specialist” enthusiastically focusing on travel and holidays in Germany, and to the surrounding countries of eastern, western and northern Europe. We want to help you enjoy a “hassle-free travel experience” throughout the trip. View customized travel packages here.