Photographing landscape tips

Photographing landscape tips

Everyone who goes on a holiday to a new and interesting place, especially when visiting in nature, simply has to snap a few pictures of the wonderful landscape that is around them. So today we’ll talk about a few tips on how to make your landscape pictures a bit better, for the next time you’re on a mind expanding trip through some mountain range or the like.

For a few basic tips, in order to get the absolute best result one would typically mount the camera on a tripod and give the aperture priority in order to ensure an all-around sharp image. In terms of lighting, well the best times are either at the beginning or at the end of the day.

Properly photographing landscape isn’t easier or simpler, just because they can’t walk off like people or wildlife can, a great landscape photograph is one in with all the elements mix together perfectly and that moment is usually fleeting. You may want to spend some time to wait for it to come and till then experiment with different shot compositions till you settle on the best one to focus on when making exposures.

Talking about elements, you have to take into account color, beauty, scale and the main features but even if you’re tempted to put on the widest lens you have on you to try to get as much as possible into your shot you need to keep in mind that landscapes don’t always have to be big in order to be great. In order for your shot to be good, you need a point of interest so isolating certain elements and reducing the dimensions of your shot can be a good thing.

When shooting landscapes, as we mentioned earlier, aperture needs to be the priority in order to ensure sharpness from front to back. In order to get the maximum depth of field, focus on a point one-third into the scene, just beyond the foreground subject and stop down to f16. Don’t forget to use the depth-of-field button in order to visually confirm what you’re hoping to achieve in your photo.

Horizons should be straight and place them carefully, don’t forget to apply the rule of thirds to horizon placement.

