How to stay healthy during your vacation
It’s official by now and there is no way we can dodge the realization: most of the world has been (for some time already) in the firm grasp of the cold season. How to stay healthy during your vacation is a must-know, especially since the changeable autumn and the chilly winter that is on its way are both notorious for epidemics of flu and for bad colds, not to mention other afflictions that can ruin a long awaited holiday.
You have waited for this for forever: those blissful days of peace and quiet away from the mundane reality you are forced to live in during the other 300-odd days of the year. And holidays are finally here – be they in summer, winter, spring or autumn. All things considered, after all that planning and dreaming, the last thing you want is to spend your free time sick… Flu, motion sickness, colds, concussions or tropical diseases top the list, followed by more insidious afflictions, such as panic attacks or bouts of depression.
How can one avoid disease and stay healthy (body, mind and soul) during your holiday? Here are some helpful tips:
1. To avoid being contaminated with anything infectious, take all the cleanness precautions on planes or busses and when using public toilets. Avoid close contact with strangers, crowds and wash and disinfect your hands. Also touch your eyes, nose and mouth as little as possible.
2. Get some decent sleep before and during your vacation – it helps both your body and your mind.
3. Eat a healthy, frugal but satiating breakfast (or meal) before leaving on vacation.
4. Power up your immune system with mushrooms and zinc, which are among the best weapons that can strengthen your health and are easily accessible in your diet. Zinc can be found in oysters, pretty much any kind of meat and poultry, as well as in nuts and seeds; plus you have an excuse to eat some cocoa chocolate,also rich in Zinc.
5. Exercise during your vacation. This is can sound a bit dumb, but if perhaps you don’t lead a very healthy everyday life, think of it as a nice change to cycle, jog or take walks during your stay in a different place.
Last but not least, relax! Stay calm and remember traveling is a happy event, not a reason to stress.