Share your travel routes

Share your travel routes

Traveling is one of the best gifts you can offer yourself. You get to explore new places, be placed in new and challenging situations, meet new people and whenever you return, there is a secret part of you that will somehow never be the same again: it will be infinitely richer. This part you can also give to the world and share your travel routes.

In its turn, you can do this in various ways. But whether you write a book about your experiences, record each step of the way in a blog or use an online app to record travel routes, the intention is what matters.

Let me tell you about one of the ways I use to share my travels with friends and… well, with the Internet world in general. Track Kit is an application compatible with the iPad and iPhone that allows you to create a travel route and “document” it with your pictures, video and more. It basically serves as a multi-functional tracking system, so you can find your way around a variety of walking, sightseeing, hunting, hiking or navigation routes. The coolest part is this is a free service.

There are lots of facilities to the app, one of the most important being the fact that you can actually publish all your tracks on the Track Kit website, . Apart from the possibility to share on the website, you can also communicate your news and documents on social media: Facebook, Gmail and Twitter.

Among the other facilities presented by this modern and simple way of sharing your travel experiences, we must name the world map, advanced compass and distance calculator, as well as yaje possibility to include Google street views and images. Plus you can always play your tracks back. This way, your travel will stay with you for longer.

Meredith Smith

Meredith Smith