American Sunny Dreams in Florida

American Sunny Dreams in Florida

If you really want to catch glimpse of what the American Dream tastes like, Florida just might be the right place for you.

When the Spaniards of Juan Ponce de Leon first set foot on these virgin wild lands in 1513, they met with a sort of a land beyond time. So the Europeans introduced the principles of Christianity, cattle and sheep, their languages and, strangely enough… horses (which had been eaten to extinction by the local Indians). Today, what America and Florida has to show to the European tourist is high tech, fabulous infrastructure, consumerism, jeans and Miami.

Miami is one of the most densely populated areas in the United States of America, reportedly counting over 5.3 million people living in the metropolitan area in an eclectic mix of ethnicities, religions and occupations. Miami is well known for importance as a business and management Mecca and also for its vivid – though mostly cliche – representation in the media (we’ve heard of Miami Vice to give an example). Miami is also fun: picture a palm tree and the endless clear Atlantic Ocean and athletic people jogging happily, zoos, beach sports, museums and gardens and American recent history emulated in the modern architecture.

One of the coolest places to visit in Florida is the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida. Theme parks, walking alongside real-size beloved characters of your childhood Disney movies, music and parades are in store for you and your kids. Also in Orlando, you can visit another similar place, perhaps less well-known, but definitely worth your time: Universal Studios, where you can see the adventures of Harry Potter take life before your very eyes.

And if you are more of an outdoors kind of person, you will really appreciate Everglades National Park, every hiker’s dream come true. You can go on expeditions, ride on a canoe, tour the park by airboat or tram and even camp with your friends or family.

The destination Florida offers an amazing range of things to do and see, so put it on your bucket list and make the trip to America happen!


Meredith Smith

Meredith Smith