5 Fun facts about Amsterdam

5 Fun facts about Amsterdam


We might see the capital city of Holland as a slightly loose and a tad too liberal universe where we’re more likely to find drugs than art on the streets. But in truth, the place is more than meets the eye. Here are 5 Fun facts about Amsterdam that will make you see what a fascinating place this city is.

1. Amsterdam is a truly diverse universe, harboring 176 nationalities! It’s one of those places where you can be whoever you are (or whatever you want to be) and be allowed to express it, broadly speaking. It is the most culturally diverse place in the world.

2. The city is bisected by 165 canals. Singelgracht, the part of the city that is occupied by canals, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

3. Amsterdam lies under the sea level, which threatens to sink it one day. But the fun and fascinating thing is Dutch people a few hundreds of years ago were really resourceful, so they started a laborious and sturdy process of consolidating the town by placing it on poles. An average Amsterdam house sits on 5 pillars and basic maths leads us to the conclusion that the city is sustained by some 13,569 poles!

4. Aside from bikes and tulips, the Dutch love coffee! Did you know that an average Dutch person eats 3.2 cups of coffee per day?

5. As proud descendants from sailors, there are people living on boat houses in Amsterdam. This might not sound too spectacular. But did you know there are houseboats inhabited by… cats? Poezenboot is such a place, popular among the stray cats in the city.

You can visit this amazing city and learn many more of its secrets. A good time to visit is summer, as the weather can be moody and rainy during the cold season. But really, the capital city of the Netherlands is a charming place to see anytime. You can rent a car in Amsterdam as well if you are not a great bike rider.

