Provence wine tours

Provence wine tours

The beautiful region of Provence is perhaps the ultimate French tourist destination. But while the sun, the picturesque landscapes and the history of the place can be counted as incentives when one thinks of traveling there, the more refined travelers will come here for the Provence wine tours.

Provence is not just France: it preserves a cultural identity of its own, ever since the Romans founded the first region beyond the Alps here. The southern part of France, bordered by the mountains and the Mediterranean Sea, is famous for its beauty, its quiet and unique quality, but also for the flowering wine industry that has developed here.

The wines of Provence are famous worldwide. They were first introduced most probably by the Greeks around 7 centuries BC. The Romans didn’t appreciate them very much, though, and the Latin poet Martial actually went so far as to call them “terrible poisons”.

Nevertheless, in recent years, with the introduction of new methods and technologies, Provence wines have started to compete with the most prestigious brands. Not to mention that, because of the beautiful region where they are cultivated, Provence wine tours have become a very popular option among those traveling to this part of France.

There are in fact 3 classifications of Province wines:

  • AOC Cotes de Provence, dating back to 1997, comprising wines recognized ever since the 17th century
  • AOC Coteaux d’Aix-en-Provence, classified in 1985 and containing wines of Aix which had been planted by the Roman veterans ever since the first century before our era
  • AOC Coteaux varois en Provence, first used as a denomination in 1945 and comprising 80% rose wines. Red wines make up 17% of production with only a slight 3% remaining white wines.

You will definitely have the opportunity to learn everything there is to learn about Province, the history, the region and the industry with Provence wine tours.

Meredith Smith

Meredith Smith