3 travel tips for your European trip

3 travel tips for your European trip

We often talk about the most coveted destinations on the Old Continent, but seldom do we remember to check the things we need to settle prior to our vacation. And planning is indeed a great part of a successful vacation. So just to remember some of the basics, here are 3 travel tips for your European trip:

1. Money may not bring happiness, it may not even be able to purchase it “per se”, but it is, unfortunately a necessity during your trip. In Europe, you really need to have a clear understanding of the Euro monetary system (applied in the EU, in most countries). If you come from outside the Euro zone, be sure to exchange your local currency from home – avoid doing that during your trip; and remember you lose a few bucks (well, a few cents at least) for each transaction.

Cash is often preferred over credit cards, but having a backup card with you may be a good idea in case something happens with the cash.

2. Purchase a travel insurance. The basic travel insurance will include a few very important clauses: the event that you cancel or interrupt your trip, medical insurance, evacuation, luggage and flight insurance.

It is not expensive, usually, and it can considerably reduce financial risks in case of accidents, disease, theft, flight and trip delays or cancellations, lost luggage and many more.

3. Transportation during your trip is the last tip we are going to talk about for today. This aspect is very important, particularly if you are traveling to a place where you’ve never been before. Fortunately, booking in advance is an option that can be accomplished online in just a few short minutes. There are even discounts to consider if you book your international car rental or your airport transfer with some time in advance.

