Real world Game of Thrones destinations (part 2)

Real world Game of Thrones destinations (part 2)

The launch of season 4 of Game of Thrones is approaching – it should launch on the 6th of April 2013 – so we better get to visiting some more real world Game of Thrones destinations so as to refresh our memory before the intrigue starts again.

Dubrovnik, Croatia

Dubrovnik is the ideal stand-in for King’s Landing – the capital of the Seven Kingdoms – thanks to its gleaming white-stone city walls and sunny seaside location.

You can walk atop the old town’s very well-preserved medieval walls and look across the bay where the Battle of Blackwater was shot. The Red Fort is actually Lovrjenac Fort and circling the Minceta Tower you’ll be following Daenarys Targaryan’s footsteps as she was desperately trying to enter the House of the Undying to rescue her dragons.

Nearby Lokrum Island is where the scenese from Qarth were filmed and this is also where you can find a gorgeous Rennaisance-style arboretum at Trsteno Gardens – where Sansa Stark met with Lady and Margaery Tyrell.

There are several more shooting locations in and around Dubrovnik and you can see most if not all of them with the help of an organized tour.

Split, Croatia

Staying in Croatia for this next destination as well, Split is where filming moved for a chunk of season four.

Klis Fortress and a quarry in Zrnovnica were locations used to film some massive battle scenes featuring dozens of extras.

The main sight of the city is Diocletian’s Palace – one of the most impressive Roman ruins on the planet. It was built in AD 295 as a retirement palace for the Roman emperor Diocletian. It is a huge square fortress that still beats with the sound of people. This is no ruin or museum, it is the heart of a lively city feautring bars, shops and restaurants all packed within its ancient walls. Its cellars were used to film scenes of the new series.

Keep some Croatia car hire services in mind when you’re traveling either to Dubrovnik or Split.

