Galati trip

Galati trip

On a Galati trip you’ll be visiting a very special region of Romania, the confluence of the Prut, Siret and Danube rivers, the three most important rivers in the region. Being so close to the Danube has meant that the settlement here has always been very strongly influenced by it. As an example of the major importance that this area has had for people, archaeological digs have found the area to have been inhabited ever since prehistory.

The city isn’t exactly a tourist destination per se, it’s always been a very maritime and working city, this does however mean that sailing enthusiasts will have a great time because there are quite a few sights that talk about the city’s history with the water.

There is a building in Galati called the Navigation Palace, now it’s the home of the fluvial Station and has been built towards the end of the 19th century. The Palace is now headquarters for several institutions such as the Administration for the Danube ports as well as the River Navigation Company Navrom.

Another ‘palace’ building is the Administrative Palace, a very imposing construction that started being used on the 27th of April 1906. This building is very important because it was built after a design by Ion Mincu, the architect that created the foundation of the Romanian architecture school. The façade of the building features two statues made of white marble.

The one thing that you just have to do while in Galati is to walk the Faleza. This is a long walkway built along the banks of the Danube and features a plethora of modern art sculptures as well as quite a few restaurants and bars which will be quite enjoyable.

Make sure to employ our Galati car hire services while on your trip there.

