Belfast trip

Belfast trip

A Belfast trip now will be considerably different than what it would’ve been like just a few decades ago. Having been lumped in with other ‘B’-word places to be avoided, such as Beirut, Baghdad or Bosnia, Belfast has managed to pull off an incredible transformation. The transformation did away with the bombs-and-bullets look and brought in hip hotels and a hedonistic lifestyle.

The city’s skyline is in something of a constant state of change, with development and redevelopment taking place at a rather rapid clip, or at least that’s how it was till the economic crisis hit the continent. However the old shipyards which not very long ago were buzzing with workers and passengers, have been giving way to luxury waterfront apartments.

This is what is known as the Titanic Quarter – for we shouldn’t forget that this is the place where that mighty ship was built. The Quarter features a museum set on the slipways where the Titanic was actually constructed and the general area contain many buildings and sites related to the Titanic.

The actual Titanic Museum was especially built and opened in April of 2012, on the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. The building was scaled so as to represent the height of the ship as it would have sat in the water, in order to offer visitors a realistic idea of the sheer size of this gigantic structure. The wall of the inside foyer is actually made up of life size steel place just as those that would have been on the ship.

Stepping away from the Titanic for a bit, don’t forget to visit the Belfast Castle, built in 1870 in a Scottish Baronial style, the castle features several turrets, however thanks to very extensive renovations a few decades ago, the interior has morphed from antique to modern, and the castle has become a very popular venue for wedding receptions and the like.

These are of course just a few of the things that you can see and do here, there are many more to enjoy with the help of our Belfast car hire services, or with our United Kingdom car rental services on the whole.

